StrollView is a cross-institutional storytelling application. StrollView allows combining digital images from different cultural institutions, such as museums, libraries, and archives, into custom presentations. At this time StrollView supports any image source that is compatible with the IIIF APIs 2.x (see which currently is the most used IIIF standard in the wild.
StrollView consists of three applications: an editor for creating stories (“Strolls”), a player for presenting the Strolls, and a separate service that helps storing the Strolls on Github.
Public Demo:
Video Tutorial (13min, English, including WordPress):
Video Tutorial (11 min, German, without WordPress):
StrollView presentations (“Strolls”) can be displayed
- as standalone web pages
- embedded in any website or
- as a WordPress-Plugin.
A small demo of the WordPress-Plugin can be seen on the right side of this page.
StrollView was developed in cooperation with FORUM WISSEN, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.